Subscribe today to learn more about how to improve the bond with your dog and feel the joy of new adventures together!


Where learning is a fun adventure.

Create a bond


Tyler Academy® was an instant idea after Tyler arrived home. Totally unprepared, I became a pet “owner”. I was responsible for a living being, a dog. Needless to say, it was completely different to what I once would have imagined. 

Once I realized this, I knew I wanted to be the best guide for him. I started searching for a place where I could learn more about the world of dogs. 

This was just the beginning.

I met a world full of possibilities. Where a strong and loving bond with your pet not only was possible, but  also one of the best things we could give to them. And ourselves. 

No longer would we be roommates or friends. The relationship would go beyond, towards a healthy, nourishing, and joyful place for both.

Tyler Academy is a space where you will discover how to achieve this. Where you can thrive together while doing new things, going on new adventures together, and venturing yourselves into something completely different. All with absolute joy. The one that comes from sharing your life with a loved, fluffy one.

Now, for an ice breaker

Here’s a gift for you both! A courtesy session so we can get to know each other.


The only place where you can become a better person by accompanying your furry friend

Hey! I’m Abril, professional dog trainer, and the creator of
“The Pawsitive Revolution®”

When Tyler arrived, I found out dog training completes me. 

It’s why I created a method based on play time and training in order to create a safe connection with a pet. By combining technique and the abilities of your dog (yes, he has several!), I will help you learn to enjoy every single moment with your dog. At home or anywhere you guys go together!

So what do you say we create an experience that feels magical to you but also to that best friend you never thought you could have?

Real dogs, real humans, real transformations

Know firsthand the experiences of those who decided to try our training program “The Pawsitive Revolution

Lis & Polo

Sol & Pedro

Apolo & Dolores

Your dog needs an upgraded version of yourself

Training your dog should not be difficult or frustrating. But it requires effort. 
The good thing is you can improve your relationship with them, AND have fun at the same time! 
Here’s how:

Online Academy

Face-to-face sessions

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In case your sniffs can’t find the bone or answer you’re looking for:

You can start at any time. Age is not a factor in dog training, even an adult dog can learn new things!
Podes comenzar desde antes de que nazca y puede seguir aprendiendo inclusive de adulto.
Yo siempre digo que hay muchas cosas que necesitamos aprender cuando decidimos que queremos traer un perro a casa.
*Comenzando por como seleccionar una raza,
*como seleccionar un criador de la manera correcta (que cosas buscar y de que cosas huir),
*selección del cachorro (por que no todo es que sea lindo, el comportamiento y actitud del cachorro debe adaptarse a lo que estamos buscando).
*Como comenzar los primeros 3 meses de edad la educación en casa
*Periodo de adolescencia en la que los perris se transformas en pequeños demonios come todo.
*Adultez y como adaptar (para perros por ejemplo con disfunción cognitiva) o mejorar la vida diaria

Online classes are for you if:

  • Sos una persona autodidacta.
  • Preferís organizarte y seguir tus propios ritmos.
  • Estás en cualquier lugar del mundo y te interesa aprender con mi método.

They are not for you if:

  • You struggle to organize your schedule while being at home.
  • You dont have extra time on a daily basis.
  • You prefer to learn with colleagues and friends.
I am leaving a map with my working locations. We can schedule face to face classes 1 on 1on or group sessions with other doggos. 
This is something I cannot say upfront. There are multiple factors that can contribute to success or failure in dogs.
The amount of lessons we will need will vary and be affected by: 
  • How seriously you take lessons and how much you practise at home during the week
  • How fast a lerner your dog is 
  • How severe is you dog’s case
No te puedo decir esto ni yo ni cualquier otro profesional. Esto es algo que va a depender de varias variables como por ejemplo:
*Cuan en serio te tomes el entrenamiento durante la semana
*Cuan fácil/rápido aprenda tu perro
*Cuan severo sea el caso

You can sign up now by clicking HERE

You can log in by clicking in the little person icon where you will be able to make configurations to your profile and you will be able to see all courses purchased.

Lo ideal es no forzar ni músculos ni articulaciones hasta el año de edad para evitar lesiones e interrupciones en el crecimiento biológico y natural de nuestros perretes. Ojo, hay muchas cosas que se pueden trabajar hasta ese momento siempre y cuando no ejerzan impacto sobre ellos.

Here’s a treat for you hooman!

4 basics when potty training your puppy